Most Wanted =========== * Save Scripts as Bookmarklet, Greasemonkey, or Command Line Helper * Jump to files in external editor * CSS Explorer * Plugins * Custom tabs * Console toolbar buttons/menus * Custom tags * Net response text formatters (json, xml, wddx) * HTML source filters * JavaScript source line maps * Quicksilver-like search * Save CSS changes back to file * Web services command line * Unit testing Plans ==================================================================================================== * General * Remember sidebar width and orientation separately for each tab * Remember Script tab sidebar width differently while debugger is stopped or not stopped * Support traditional key shortcuts while focused (ctrl-f, escape to close, etc...) * Smart command line * URL loading * Regular expressions * CSS selector * cut, copy, paste commands * Console * Show errors for files that failed to load (400 or 500 HTTP codes) * Option to not clear the log upon reload, but insert reload separator * Show number of unread messages in tab * Insert blinking bar at the bottom of console when new rows are inserted while scrolled up * Console Customization * Populate toolbar with buttons created by page through console API * "New Shell" command to open editor in new side panel tab * Debugger * Search should search through all scripts at once (optionally) * Parse function and show all variables in scope, and try to get those outside closure * Add "Globals" item to Watch panel which shows only user-defined props of top * Preserve view information when moving up and down stack frames * Show error in tooltip when breaking for error * Selection failure warning - show non-modal alert with "unable to find X" message * Show popup with error message when breaking for an error * Show value in question for "foo has no properties" or "foo is not a function" errors * Extract all symbols from expression in message, not just the whole expression * Call stack panel * Better tooltip for stack frames * name(arg, arg) * file.ext (line 100) * Hook eval() to debug store eval'ed scripts * Option to break on mutation events (global or per element) * Guess function name of getters/setters * Execution monitoring * Log each top-level function that is called, click to expand full execution tree * Expand one level at a time, or expand all context menu * Infinite loop buster * Show execution path, but stop every N lines * HTML Panel * Context menu for Script/Style/Link should contain "Inspect Script" or "Inspect CSS" * Search should dig into iframes * Allow drag and drop to move nodes around * Scroll into View should scroll smoothly towards element, blink red, then animate box out * CSS Panel * Search should search through all stylesheets at once (optionally) * Save changes in memory and re-apply them after a reload * Toolbar button for disabling the entire stylesheet, or all stylesheets * Highlight properties that have been edited by user * Element side panel * Colors/Images side panel * Classes side panel * CSS Explorer * Catalogue of CSS entities - ids, classes, attributes, colors, images, fonts * DOM Panel * Option to copy objects as a JSON serialization (with max-depth) * Net Panel * Support plugins for formatting response text (json, wddx, xml, etc...) * Save File As... menu item * Extra tabs * Colors * Cookies * Local Storage * Validation Visual Breakdown ==================================================================================================== 1. Hide all elements outside current 2. Hide all elements inside current 3. Hide all elements except current 4. Hide current * Toggle backgrounds images on/off * Toggle backgrounds colors on/off * Toggle images on/off * Toggle text on/off * Show only background images * Show only images * Show only text