#!/bin/sh # check DISPLAY first # This will give an error if the variable is not set x=${DISPLAY:?Variable_not_set} # now look for directory that contains the OW libraries # maybe it's in /usr/openwin - the default [ -d /usr/openwin/bin ] && { # /usr/openwin found OPENWINHOME=/usr/openwin; } || { # else try /usr/local/openwin OPENWINHOME=/usr/local/openwin; } # # if FONTPATH is not defined, use "/usr/lib/X11/font" defaultfont=${FONTPATH:-/usr/lib/X11/font} # add $OPENWINHOME/lib/fonts to the path FONTPATH=$OPENWINHOME/lib/fonts:$defaultfont # help path should be set HELPPATH=$OPENHOME/lib/help # Add Open Windows dynamic libraries to path LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$OPENWINHOME/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:-/usr/lib} # add OW directories to searchpath PATH=$OPENWINHOME/bin/xview:$OPENWINHOME/bin:$PATH export OPENWINHOME FONTPATH HELPPATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH DISPLAY PATH exec $*