#!/bin/sh # This script changes the text delimiter chaacters # It calls the Resource script described before # the resource to be changes is text.delimiterChars # The second argument is just a quoted string # The \011 is the form the resource manager wants to see for the tab character # Two warnings: # if you ask the resource manager to output the current value # it doesn't quote the characters properly # Therefore you can't automatically save # this property into the .Xdefaults file # Problem two: # The order of spaces and \011 in the string is tricky # for some reason, the order of the space, tab, or # other character is important. If the first four # characters are ' \011!@' it doesn't work. # however, '! @\011' does. # - Don't know why # # also notice how I added the single quote to the string # remember - you can't use # '....\'' # to quote a single string in a single string # # I used the form # '........' concatenated with "'" # which is the preferred form. # the backquote doesn't backquote anything below # # after all that - I can throw these characters at you # without you flinching (too much :-) # Resource text.delimiterChars '! @\011#%$%^&*()_+-=[]{}|;:",<>?`~/\'"'" # all those comments for one line of code! # the rest of the script can be uncommented for debug purposes; #echo delimiter is now: #xrdb -query | grep delimiter >/dev/console