#!/bin/bash # Faxing (must have 'efax' package installed). EXPECTED_ARGS=2 E_BADARGS=65 MODEM_PORT="/dev/ttyS2" # May be different on your machine. # ^^^^^ PCMCIA modem card default port. if [ $# -ne $EXPECTED_ARGS ] # Check for proper number of command line args. then echo "Usage: `basename $0` phone# text-file" exit $E_BADARGS fi if [ ! -f "$2" ] then echo "File $2 is not a text file." # File is not a regular file, or does not exist. exit $E_BADARGS fi fax make $2 # Create fax-formatted files from text files. for file in $(ls $2.0*) # Concatenate the converted files. # Uses wild card (filename "globbing") #+ in variable list. do fil="$fil $file" done efax -d "$MODEM_PORT" -t "T$1" $fil # Finally, do the work. # Trying adding -o1 if above line fails. # As S.C. points out, the for-loop can be eliminated with # efax -d /dev/ttyS2 -o1 -t "T$1" $2.0* #+ but it's not quite as instructive [grin]. exit $? # Also, efax sends diagnostic messages to stdout.