#!/bin/bash # sieve.sh (ex68.sh) # Sieve of Eratosthenes # Ancient algorithm for finding prime numbers. # This runs a couple of orders of magnitude slower #+ than the equivalent program written in C. LOWER_LIMIT=1 # Starting with 1. UPPER_LIMIT=1000 # Up to 1000. # (You may set this higher . . . if you have time on your hands.) PRIME=1 NON_PRIME=0 let SPLIT=UPPER_LIMIT/2 # Optimization: # Need to test numbers only halfway to upper limit (why?). declare -a Primes # Primes[] is an array. initialize () { # Initialize the array. i=$LOWER_LIMIT until [ "$i" -gt "$UPPER_LIMIT" ] do Primes[i]=$PRIME let "i += 1" done # Assume all array members guilty (prime) #+ until proven innocent. } print_primes () { # Print out the members of the Primes[] array tagged as prime. i=$LOWER_LIMIT until [ "$i" -gt "$UPPER_LIMIT" ] do if [ "${Primes[i]}" -eq "$PRIME" ] then printf "%8d" $i # 8 spaces per number gives nice, even columns. fi let "i += 1" done } sift () # Sift out the non-primes. { let i=$LOWER_LIMIT+1 # We know 1 is prime, so let's start with 2. until [ "$i" -gt "$UPPER_LIMIT" ] do if [ "${Primes[i]}" -eq "$PRIME" ] # Don't bother sieving numbers already sieved (tagged as non-prime). then t=$i while [ "$t" -le "$UPPER_LIMIT" ] do let "t += $i " Primes[t]=$NON_PRIME # Tag as non-prime all multiples. done fi let "i += 1" done } # ============================================== # main () # Invoke the functions sequentially. initialize sift print_primes # This is what they call structured programming. # ============================================== echo exit 0 # -------------------------------------------------------- # # Code below line will not execute, because of 'exit.' # This improved version of the Sieve, by Stephane Chazelas, #+ executes somewhat faster. # Must invoke with command-line argument (limit of primes). UPPER_LIMIT=$1 # From command line. let SPLIT=UPPER_LIMIT/2 # Halfway to max number. Primes=( '' $(seq $UPPER_LIMIT) ) i=1 until (( ( i += 1 ) > SPLIT )) # Need check only halfway. do if [[ -n $Primes[i] ]] then t=$i until (( ( t += i ) > UPPER_LIMIT )) do Primes[t]= done fi done echo ${Primes[*]} exit 0