#!/bin/bash # insertion-sort.bash: Insertion sort implementation in Bash # Heavy use of Bash array features: #+ (string) slicing, merging, etc # URL: http://www.lugmen.org.ar/~jjo/jjotip/insertion-sort.bash.d #+ /insertion-sort.bash.sh # # Author: JuanJo Ciarlante <jjo@irrigacion.gov.ar> # Lightly reformatted by ABS Guide author. # License: GPLv2 # Used in ABS Guide with author's permission (thanks!). # # Test with: ./insertion-sort.bash -t # Or: bash insertion-sort.bash -t # The following *doesn't* work: # sh insertion-sort.bash -t # Why not? Hint: which Bash-specific features are disabled #+ when running a script by 'sh script.sh'? # : ${DEBUG:=0} # Debug, override with: DEBUG=1 ./scriptname . . . # Parameter substitution -- set DEBUG to 0 if not previously set. # Global array: "list" typeset -a list # Load whitespace-separated numbers from stdin. if [ "$1" = "-t" ]; then DEBUG=1 read -a list < <( od -Ad -w24 -t u2 /dev/urandom ) # Random list. # ^ ^ process substition else read -a list fi numelem=${#list[*]} # Shows the list, marking the element whose index is $1 #+ by surrounding it with the two chars passed as $2. # Whole line prefixed with $3. showlist() { echo "$3"${list[@]:0:$1} ${2:0:1}${list[$1]}${2:1:1} ${list[@]:$1+1}; } # Loop _pivot_ -- from second element to end of list. for(( i=1; i<numelem; i++ )) do ((DEBUG))&&showlist i "[]" " " # From current _pivot_, back to first element. for(( j=i; j; j-- )) do # Search for the 1st elem. less than current "pivot" . . . [[ "${list[j-1]}" -le "${list[i]}" ]] && break done (( i==j )) && continue ## No insertion was needed for this element. # . . . Move list[i] (pivot) to the left of list[j]: list=(${list[@]:0:j} ${list[i]} ${list[j]}\ # {0,j-1} {i} {j} ${list[@]:j+1:i-(j+1)} ${list[@]:i+1}) # {j+1,i-1} {i+1,last} ((DEBUG))&&showlist j "<>" "*" done echo echo "------" echo $'Result:\n'${list[@]} exit $?