#! /bin/sh # letter-count2.sh: Counting letter occurrences in a text file. # # Script by nyal [nyal@voila.fr]. # Used in ABS Guide with permission. # Recommented and reformatted by ABS Guide author. # Version 1.1: Modified to work with gawk 3.1.3. # (Will still work with earlier versions.) INIT_TAB_AWK="" # Parameter to initialize awk script. count_case=0 FILE_PARSE=$1 E_PARAMERR=65 usage() { echo "Usage: letter-count.sh file letters" 2>&1 # For example: ./letter-count2.sh filename.txt a b c exit $E_PARAMERR # Too few arguments passed to script. } if [ ! -f "$1" ] ; then echo "$1: No such file." 2>&1 usage # Print usage message and exit. fi if [ -z "$2" ] ; then echo "$2: No letters specified." 2>&1 usage fi shift # Letters specified. for letter in `echo $@` # For each one . . . do INIT_TAB_AWK="$INIT_TAB_AWK tab_search[${count_case}] = \ \"$letter\"; final_tab[${count_case}] = 0; " # Pass as parameter to awk script below. count_case=`expr $count_case + 1` done # DEBUG: # echo $INIT_TAB_AWK; cat $FILE_PARSE | # Pipe the target file to the following awk script. # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Earlier version of script: # awk -v tab_search=0 -v final_tab=0 -v tab=0 -v \ # nb_letter=0 -v chara=0 -v chara2=0 \ awk \ "BEGIN { $INIT_TAB_AWK } \ { split(\$0, tab, \"\"); \ for (chara in tab) \ { for (chara2 in tab_search) \ { if (tab_search[chara2] == tab[chara]) { final_tab[chara2]++ } } } } \ END { for (chara in final_tab) \ { print tab_search[chara] \" => \" final_tab[chara] } }" # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Nothing all that complicated, just . . . #+ for-loops, if-tests, and a couple of specialized functions. exit $? # Compare this script to letter-count.sh.