#!/bin/bash # parent.sh # Running multiple processes on an SMP box. # Author: Tedman Eng # This is the first of two scripts, #+ both of which must be present in the current working directory. LIMIT=$1 # Total number of process to start NUMPROC=4 # Number of concurrent threads (forks?) PROCID=1 # Starting Process ID echo "My PID is $$" function start_thread() { if [ $PROCID -le $LIMIT ] ; then ./child.sh $PROCID& let "PROCID++" else echo "Limit reached." wait exit fi } while [ "$NUMPROC" -gt 0 ]; do start_thread; let "NUMPROC--" done while true do trap "start_thread" SIGRTMIN done exit 0 # ======== Second script follows ======== #!/bin/bash # child.sh # Running multiple processes on an SMP box. # This script is called by parent.sh. # Author: Tedman Eng temp=$RANDOM index=$1 shift let "temp %= 5" let "temp += 4" echo "Starting $index Time:$temp" "$@" sleep ${temp} echo "Ending $index" kill -s SIGRTMIN $PPID exit 0 # ======================= SCRIPT AUTHOR'S NOTES ======================= # # It's not completely bug free. # I ran it with limit = 500 and after the first few hundred iterations, #+ one of the concurrent threads disappeared! # Not sure if this is collisions from trap signals or something else. # Once the trap is received, there's a brief moment while executing the #+ trap handler but before the next trap is set. During this time, it may #+ be possible to miss a trap signal, thus miss spawning a child process. # No doubt someone may spot the bug and will be writing #+ . . . in the future. # ===================================================================== # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------# ################################################################# # The following is the original script written by Vernia Damiano. # Unfortunately, it doesn't work properly. ################################################################# #!/bin/bash # Must call script with at least one integer parameter #+ (number of concurrent processes). # All other parameters are passed through to the processes started. INDICE=8 # Total number of process to start TEMPO=5 # Maximum sleep time per process E_BADARGS=65 # No arg(s) passed to script. if [ $# -eq 0 ] # Check for at least one argument passed to script. then echo "Usage: `basename $0` number_of_processes [passed params]" exit $E_BADARGS fi NUMPROC=$1 # Number of concurrent process shift PARAMETRI=( "$@" ) # Parameters of each process function avvia() { local temp local index temp=$RANDOM index=$1 shift let "temp %= $TEMPO" let "temp += 1" echo "Starting $index Time:$temp" "$@" sleep ${temp} echo "Ending $index" kill -s SIGRTMIN $$ } function parti() { if [ $INDICE -gt 0 ] ; then avvia $INDICE "${PARAMETRI[@]}" & let "INDICE--" else trap : SIGRTMIN fi } trap parti SIGRTMIN while [ "$NUMPROC" -gt 0 ]; do parti; let "NUMPROC--" done wait trap - SIGRTMIN exit $? : <<SCRIPT_AUTHOR_COMMENTS I had the need to run a program, with specified options, on a number of different files, using a SMP machine. So I thought [I'd] keep running a specified number of processes and start a new one each time . . . one of these terminates. The "wait" instruction does not help, since it waits for a given process or *all* process started in background. So I wrote [this] bash script that can do the job, using the "trap" instruction. --Vernia Damiano SCRIPT_AUTHOR_COMMENTS