#!/bin/bash # pr-ascii.sh: Prints a table of ASCII characters. START=33 # Range of printable ASCII characters (decimal). END=125 echo " Decimal Hex Character" # Header. echo " ------- --- ---------" for ((i=START; i<=END; i++)) do echo $i | awk '{printf(" %3d %2x %c\n", $1, $1, $1)}' # The Bash printf builtin will not work in this context: # printf "%c" "$i" done exit 0 # Decimal Hex Character # ------- --- --------- # 33 21 ! # 34 22 " # 35 23 # # 36 24 $ # # . . . # # 122 7a z # 123 7b { # 124 7c | # 125 7d } # Redirect the output of this script to a file #+ or pipe it to "more": sh pr-asc.sh | more