#!/bin/bash # This is an alternate form of the preceding script. # Suggested by Heiner Steven #+ as a workaround in those situations when a redirect loop #+ runs as a subshell, and therefore variables inside the loop # +do not keep their values upon loop termination. if [ -z "$1" ] then Filename=names.data # Default, if no filename specified. else Filename=$1 fi exec 3<&0 # Save stdin to file descriptor 3. exec 0<"$Filename" # Redirect standard input. count=0 echo while [ "$name" != Smith ] do read name # Reads from redirected stdin ($Filename). echo $name let "count += 1" done # Loop reads from file $Filename #+ because of line 20. # The original version of this script terminated the "while" loop with #+ done <"$Filename" # Exercise: # Why is this unnecessary? exec 0<&3 # Restore old stdin. exec 3<&- # Close temporary fd 3. echo; echo "$count names read"; echo exit 0