#!/bin/bash if [ -z "$1" ] then Filename=names.data # Default, if no filename specified. else Filename=$1 fi line_count=`wc $Filename | awk '{ print $1 }'` # Number of lines in target file. # # Very contrived and kludgy, nevertheless shows that #+ it's possible to redirect stdin within a "for" loop... #+ if you're clever enough. # # More concise is line_count=$(wc -l < "$Filename") for name in `seq $line_count` # Recall that "seq" prints sequence of numbers. # while [ "$name" != Smith ] -- more complicated than a "while" loop -- do read name # Reads from $Filename, rather than stdin. echo $name if [ "$name" = Smith ] # Need all this extra baggage here. then break fi done <"$Filename" # Redirects stdin to file $Filename. # ^^^^^^^^^^^^ exit 0