#!/bin/bash # ==> usb.sh # ==> Script for mounting and installing pen/keychain USB storage devices. # ==> Runs as root at system startup (see below). # ==> # ==> Newer Linux distros (2004 or later) autodetect # ==> and install USB pen drives, and therefore don't need this script. # ==> But, it's still instructive. # This code is free software covered by GNU GPL license version 2 or above. # Please refer to http://www.gnu.org/ for the full license text. # # Some code lifted from usb-mount by Michael Hamilton's usb-mount (LGPL) #+ see http://users.actrix.co.nz/michael/usbmount.html # # INSTALL # ------- # Put this in /etc/hotplug/usb/diskonkey. # Then look in /etc/hotplug/usb.distmap, and copy all usb-storage entries #+ into /etc/hotplug/usb.usermap, substituting "usb-storage" for "diskonkey". # Otherwise this code is only run during the kernel module invocation/removal #+ (at least in my tests), which defeats the purpose. # # TODO # ---- # Handle more than one diskonkey device at one time (e.g. /dev/diskonkey1 #+ and /mnt/diskonkey1), etc. The biggest problem here is the handling in #+ devlabel, which I haven't yet tried. # # AUTHOR and SUPPORT # ------------------ # Konstantin Riabitsev, <icon linux duke edu>. # Send any problem reports to my email address at the moment. # # ==> Comments added by ABS Guide author. SYMLINKDEV=/dev/diskonkey MOUNTPOINT=/mnt/diskonkey DEVLABEL=/sbin/devlabel DEVLABELCONFIG=/etc/sysconfig/devlabel IAM=$0 ## # Functions lifted near-verbatim from usb-mount code. # function allAttachedScsiUsb { find /proc/scsi/ -path '/proc/scsi/usb-storage*' -type f | xargs grep -l 'Attached: Yes' } function scsiDevFromScsiUsb { echo $1 | awk -F"[-/]" '{ n=$(NF-1); print "/dev/sd" substr("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", n+1, 1) }' } if [ "${ACTION}" = "add" ] && [ -f "${DEVICE}" ]; then ## # lifted from usbcam code. # if [ -f /var/run/console.lock ]; then CONSOLEOWNER=`cat /var/run/console.lock` elif [ -f /var/lock/console.lock ]; then CONSOLEOWNER=`cat /var/lock/console.lock` else CONSOLEOWNER= fi for procEntry in $(allAttachedScsiUsb); do scsiDev=$(scsiDevFromScsiUsb $procEntry) # Some bug with usb-storage? # Partitions are not in /proc/partitions until they are accessed #+ somehow. /sbin/fdisk -l $scsiDev >/dev/null ## # Most devices have partitioning info, so the data would be on #+ /dev/sd?1. However, some stupider ones don't have any partitioning #+ and use the entire device for data storage. This tries to #+ guess semi-intelligently if we have a /dev/sd?1 and if not, then #+ it uses the entire device and hopes for the better. # if grep -q `basename $scsiDev`1 /proc/partitions; then part="$scsiDev""1" else part=$scsiDev fi ## # Change ownership of the partition to the console user so they can #+ mount it. # if [ ! -z "$CONSOLEOWNER" ]; then chown $CONSOLEOWNER:disk $part fi ## # This checks if we already have this UUID defined with devlabel. # If not, it then adds the device to the list. # prodid=`$DEVLABEL printid -d $part` if ! grep -q $prodid $DEVLABELCONFIG; then # cross our fingers and hope it works $DEVLABEL add -d $part -s $SYMLINKDEV 2>/dev/null fi ## # Check if the mount point exists and create if it doesn't. # if [ ! -e $MOUNTPOINT ]; then mkdir -p $MOUNTPOINT fi ## # Take care of /etc/fstab so mounting is easy. # if ! grep -q "^$SYMLINKDEV" /etc/fstab; then # Add an fstab entry echo -e \ "$SYMLINKDEV\t\t$MOUNTPOINT\t\tauto\tnoauto,owner,kudzu 0 0" \ >> /etc/fstab fi done if [ ! -z "$REMOVER" ]; then ## # Make sure this script is triggered on device removal. # mkdir -p `dirname $REMOVER` ln -s $IAM $REMOVER fi elif [ "${ACTION}" = "remove" ]; then ## # If the device is mounted, unmount it cleanly. # if grep -q "$MOUNTPOINT" /etc/mtab; then # unmount cleanly umount -l $MOUNTPOINT fi ## # Remove it from /etc/fstab if it's there. # if grep -q "^$SYMLINKDEV" /etc/fstab; then grep -v "^$SYMLINKDEV" /etc/fstab > /etc/.fstab.new mv -f /etc/.fstab.new /etc/fstab fi fi exit 0